AGREE II Instrument

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Aass, Y. et al. Process for developing evidence-informed practice recommendations: venous leg ulcer example. Adv. Skin Wound Care, 2009, 22 (3): 133-40. [Pubmed abstract]

Alexopoulos, C.G. et al. European Lung Cancer Working Party Clinical Practice Guidelines. Non-small cell lung cancer: I. Early Stages. Hospital Crhonicles, 2006, 1 (1): 52-61. [Abstract not available]

Andrasevic, A.T. et al. Iskra guidelines on sore throat: Diagnostic and therapeutic approach-Croatian national guidelines. Lijec Vjesn, 2009, 131: 181-191. [Pubmed abstract]

Bhattacharyya et al. What is Implementation Research?: Rationale, Concepts, and Practices Research on Social Work Practice, 2009, 19 (5): 491 – 502. [Pubmed abstract]

Brozek, J., et al. International Diabetes Federation document concerning postmeal glycemic control: assessment of quality of clinical practice guidelines using AGREE instrument. Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewmetrzmej-Polish Archives of Internal Medicine, 2009, 119 (1-2): 18-24. [Pubmed abstract]

Burgers, J. The need for collaboration in guidelines. Zeitschrift fuer Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitaet im Gesundheitswesen, 2009, 103 (1): 3-4. [Pubmed abstract]

Callegaro, S. Et al. Implementation of a Febrile Seizure Guideline in Two Pediatric Emergency Departments. Pediatric Neurology, 2009, 40 (2): 78- 83. [Pubmed abstract]

Chen, K.J. & Jiang, Y.R. Current status and problems in developing clinical guidelines for Chinese medicine and integrative medicine. [Article in Chinese] Zhong Xi Yo Jie He Xue Bao, 2009, 7 (4): 301-305. [Pubmed abstract]

de Seixas, M.D. & Muller, U. P01-07 Systematic review of national and international guidelines on ADHD. European Psychiatry, 2009, 24:395. [Link to abstract]

Delagado-Noguera, M., et al. Quality assessment of clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of childhood overweight and obesity. European Journal of Pediatrics, 2009, 168 (7), p789-799. [Pubmed abstract]

Guzman et al. (2009) Clinical Practice Implications of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders: From Concepts and Findings to Recommendations. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2009, 32 (2), Supplement: S227 – S243. [Pubmed abstract]

Hegarty, K., et al. How could depression guidelines be made more relevant and applicable to primary care? A quantitative and qualitative review of national guidelines. British Jounral of General Practice, 2009, 59 (562): 322-328. [Pubmed abstract]

Horiuchi, S. et al. Development of an evidence-based domestic violence guideline: Supporting perinatal women-centred care in Japan. Midwifery, 2009, 25 (1): 72-78. [Pubmed abstract]

Jarrett, M. Use of clinical practice guidelines to promote best practice when managing clinical intervention for liver transplant candidates. Progress in Transplantation, 2009, 19 (2): 132-140. [Pubmed abstract]

Krainovich-Miller, B., et al. Evidence-based practice challenge: Teaching Critical Appraisal of Systematic Reviews and Clinical Practice Guidelines to Graduate Students. Journal of Nursing Education, 2009, 48 (4): 186-195. [Pubmed abstract]

Manchikanti, L. et al. An introduction to an evidence-based approach to interventional techniques in the management of chronic spinal pain. Pain Physician, 2009, 12: 1 – 33. [Pubmed abstract]

Nast, A. et al. A critical appraisal of evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris: ‘AGREE-ing’ on a common base for European evidence-based psoriasis treatment guidelines. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, 2009, 23(7): 782-787. [Pubmed abstract]

Potting et al. A review of quality assessment of the methodology used in guidelines and systematic reviews of oral mucositis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2009, 18 (1): 3-12. [Pubmed abstract]

Qaseem, A., et al. Screening for HIV in Health Care Settings: A guidance statement from the American College of Physicians and HIV Medicine Association. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2009, 150 (2): 125-131. [Pubmed abstract]

Rodin, G. et al. Clinician-patient communication: a systematic review. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2009, 17 (6): 627-644. [Pubmed abstract]

Rosenfeld & Shiffman. Clinical practice guideline development manual: A quality-driven approach for translating evidence into action. Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, 2009, 140 (6) Supplement: 1-43. [Pubmed abstract]

Schneider et al. Chiropractic Management of Fibromyalgia Syndrom: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2009,32 (1): 25-40. [Pubmed abstract]

Shinohara, Y. et al. Postpublication External Review of the Japanese Guidelines for the Manage of Stroke. Stroke, 2009, 40 (4): 1439-1443. [Link to abstract]

Simons, M.P. et al. European Hernia Society guidelines on the treatment of inguinal hernia in adult patients. Hernia, 2009,13 (4): 343-403. [Pubmed abstract]

Spiby, H. & Munro, J. The development and peer review of evidence-based guidelines to support midwifery led care in labour. Midwifery, 2009, 25 (2): 163-171. [Pubmed abstract]

Srinivasa, S., et al. HP16P A Systematic Appraisal of the Quality of Clinical Guidelines for Acute Pancreatitis. Journal of Surgery, 2009, 79 (1): 42- 48. [Abstract not available]

Stein, D.J., et al. Pharmacotherapy of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of Meta-Analyses and Treatment Guidelines CNS SPECTRUMS, 2009,  14 (1): 25-31. [Pubmed abstract]

Van de Bovenkamp, H.M. et al. Reconsidering Patient Participation in Guideline Development. Health Care Anal, 2009, 17: 198-216. [Pubmed abstract]

Van Diermen et al. Dental Management of patients using antithrombotic drugs: critical appraisal of exiting guidelines. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endontocology, 2009, 107 (5): 616-624. [Pubmed abstract]

Voellinger, R. Adaptation of clinical guidelines on major depressive disorders in general hospital: An update Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2009, 66 (4): 353 – 354. [Pubmed abstract]

Witting, I., et al. Evaluation of Available Treatment Guidelines for the Management of Lithium Intoxication Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 2009, 31 (2): 247-260. [Pubmed abstract]