AGREE II Instrument

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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the AGREE Enterprise website.

The questions included in these pages are those commonly asked by visitors related to the AGREE Enterprise website and general inquiries. If you have additional questions, please contact us.

1. I am experiencing some issues with viewing the AGREE II video tutorials and utilizing some of the elements of the “My AGREE PLUS” platform. Can you offer any solutions? 

Answer: We suggest you update your Adobe Flash Player and Internet browser. Based on experience, most technical issues that users experience with our website can be resolved by updating these two programs.  If after completing these updates you continue to experience technical issues, please contact us at the AGREE Enterprise Project Office.

2. PermissionsCan I use the AGREE II/My AGREE PLUS/AGREE Reporting Checklist for my own appraisal tool / website / presentation / guideline / lecture slides?

For AGREE II users: The AGREE II, My AGREE PLUS, and AGREE Reporting Checklist are free tools available for use by any individual looking to develop, teach, or evaluate clinical practice guidelines. Our only request is a proper citation (see below)

For use in a local checklist/appraisal tool: On occasion, health care professionals and scientists may find it valuable to adapt the AGREE II for their own purposes, and may wish to submit their adapted tool for publication. Copyright allows the AGREE II to be used for such purposes, provided that the AGREE II is properly cited (see below). The article should mention that the new tool is based on or informed by the AGREE II. The name of the new tool should not include the AGREE name and the AGREE logo should not be used, unless permission from the AGREE Scientific Office has been granted.

For use in presentations: Whether for lectures or for conferences, the AGREE Scientific office gives permission for the AGREE II to be included in PowerPoint slides, posters, presentations, etc. However, we ask that sufficient credit is provided and that the proper citation is used (see below).

If still unsure about permissions: If it is still unclear whether your intended use of the AGREE II will meet copyright requirements, you may contact the AGREE Scientific office.

Proper Citation:
Brouwers M, Kho ME, Browman GP, Cluzeau F, feder G, Fervers B, Hanna S, Makarski J on behalf of the AGREE Next Steps Consortium. AGREE II: Advancing guideline development, reporting and evaluation in healthcare. Can Med Assoc J. Dec 2010, 182:E839-842; doi: 10.1503/cmaj.090449

AGREE Reporting Checklist:
Brouwers MC, Kerkvliet K, Spithoff K, AGREE Next Steps Consortium. The AGREE Reporting Checklist: a tool to improve reporting of clinical practice guidelines. BMJ. 2016 Mar 8;352:i1152. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i1152

My AGREE PLUS Appraisals:
A critical group appraisal of: <guideline title> using the AGREE II Instrument (<year appraisal was completed>) [Electronic version]. Retrieved <Month, Day, Year>, from <URL of the appraisal>.