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GUIDE-M Codebook

The “GUIDE-M Codebook” was created as part of the Realist Review for GUIDE-M*. The Codebook contains a “chapter” for the tactic Developers of Content and the domains of Evidence Synthesis, Deliberations and Contextualizations, Language and Format. In each chapter, information about the various components of GUIDE-M can be read. The information found here is intended to be used to allow further understanding of the models components and how they can be used in PG implementability.

GUIDE-M Codebook includes information about components:

  • synonyms and antonyms
  • definitions
  • operationalization (“how-to” and examples)
  • context (disciplines of information origin)
  • relationship with uptake.

Codebook Chapters

  1. Developers of Content
  2. Evidence Synthesis
  3. Deliberations and Contextualizations
  4. Language
  5. Format

*The GUIDE-M Codebook contains information for those components of GUIDE-M based on the beta draft of the model used for our internal and external review process. The current GUIDE-M contains additional concepts based on expert opinion, therefore, not every concept in GUIDE-M is represented in the codebook chapters. As well, there are components in the beta version of GUIDE-M that are not in the current GUIDE-M version are displayed in the GUIDE-M Codebook.